Shopper Insights

Accurately analyse and understand every single shopper who steps into your store.

AI device with powerful SoC and backend integration with cloud AI Engine

Comprehensive Insights

Shopper Demographic Analysis


Accurately identify shoppers by their gender, age and three types of varied emotions.

AI and IoT based Automated Footfall Counting

Footfall Count

Accurately record the exact number of shoppers who walk into your store automatically.

Dwell Time Analysis

Dwell Time

Accurately understand the exact time your shoppers spend in a particular location inside your store.

Advanced Shopper Insights | Thinkpoint

Depth Analysis

Accurately understand section-wise visits of every single shopper inside your store.

Heat Maps for identifying high and low footfall areas inside the store

Heat Maps

Accurately capture your shoppers’ flow within the store and quickly identify high and low footfall areas.

In-store Shopper Journey Analysis

Shopper Journey

Accurately map the exact location-wise movement of your in-store traffic and get deep insights of your shoppers’ journey within the store.

Automatic Staff Exclusion from all Retail Analytics

Staff Exclusion

Accurately map all your store staff and automatically exclude them from all shopper insights.

Automatic Repeat Customer Analytics

Repeat Customers

Accurately track your store's repeat customers and wow them with bespoke loyalty programs.