Automated Crowd Management: The New Normal In The COVID-19 World

There is hardly any global event in human history that has fundamentally changed human behaviour the way the COVID-19 pandemic has. As retailers started reopening their stores after the lockdown restrictions were eased out, serpentine customer queues could be seen outside every major retail store in India. Forced by the government's social distancing mandate of allowing only 1 customer per 75 sq. ft. of store space, retailers are left with no option but to deploy additional staff both at the store entrance and exit to manually keep a track of the number of customers inside the store at any given...

Thinking Beyond Traffic Counters To Analyze Store Footfalls

Over the last few weeks, we had several meetings with some of the top retail chains in India to demonstrate our wide range of AI, RFID, NFC and Dynamic Digital Signage solutions for retail. The most common business challenge that retailers shared with us during our discussions was their inability to accurately analyze their store traffic by converting the raw footfalls data to actionable insights that would boost store performance. From assigning dedicated staff members to implementing new-age automated people counters, retailers had tried everything but they simply could not obtain any insights beyond mere footfall counts. The most pressing...